Ok, I know this post is off topic (not about being single), but I HAD to say something! I'm a journalist/writer and I just can't let ignorance run amuck.
Today, I was perusing my Facebook homepage when I stumbled upon a recent post by one of my co-workers. Here is what he said in his comment regarding Facebook's President Obama approval poll:
Let's see his birth certificate. He is not a natural born American citizen. Let's see his application to Colgate. Obama did not register as Barrack Hussein Obama, he registered under his name given by his mother. He will not allow anyone to view his application nor his birth certificate. He is not black. He is not white. Maybe if Obama was the descendant of a noted black American I could acknowledge his heritage (ie Dr. King, Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, Shirley Chisolm). His mother was white trash and his father was nothing more than a rolling stone who fathered at least 7 children to 7 women illegitimately. Check out Pastor Manning on youtube.com. Black people are the biggest racists that I know of. Willing to judge a person immediately based on appearance. My ancestors were Quakers, not slave owners. BTW, wasnt Lincoln a white, Republican President that freed the slaves? Ever heard of the Emancipation Proclamation. Too many people will to sit on their butt and ride the gravy train.
Seriously? This guy is a teacher...a Social Studies teacher. Furthermore, he has children...not too difficult to think what he teaches them. I'm outraged, yet sadly not surprised that people continue to think this way.
But, let's talk about the real truth...again.
1) First of all, Obama is a natual-born citizen. He was born in Hawaii...which is a state in our country. (Duh.)
2) Barack (that's the correct way to spell it) Hussein Obama is his given name. When he was young, his nickname was Barry, but in college, he chose to embrace Barack. Why is that so wrong to embrace his heritage? (It's not.) African slaves were stripped of their heritage and given "Americanized/European" names. Just like Kunte Kinte refused to be called Toby, Barack was tired of Barry. I have a family friend who wanted to pay homage to her African roots as well and changed her name to Naila Jaha. You wanna crucify her too? When I have children, I plan on giving them African names and teaching them of the tribe they come from. (Thanks to DNA testing, I now know that my maternal side is of the Fulani tribe of Nigeria, Niger and Guinnea Bissau. I'm very proud of that and it would be wonderful one day to travel to those countries and possibly meet my family whom I've been separated from for centuries. Alex Haley did it. So can I.)
3) "He is not black. He is not white." Wow. You must really like categorizing. So, what would you call him? Anyway, in case you didn't know, a person is considered Black if they either have one Black parent, or just look Black...according to society. But again, who cares? What does this have to do with anything?
4) Why does Obama have to be descended from a "noted Black American" before you acknowledge his heritage? What kind of slap in the face is that? As far as I know, I'm not related to any famous Black American and the Fulani are modest cattle herders. What the hell does that have to do with whether or not his heritage is worth being recognized?! Just like the slave owners...so quick to decide what YOU think is worth anything. It's disgusting.
5) You're awfully judgemental...calling his mother "white trash" and his father a "rolling stone". (While you sit and spew racist B.S. of your own.) How mighty Christian/Quaker of you. Anyway, what do his parents' background and choices have to do with him becoming President? With his character at all?
6) "Black people are the biggest racists [you] know of"? How so? (And have you even read what you just wrote?) I mean, if you really want to take it there, white people are the ones who went to Africa, captured human beings, enslaved them for almost 300 years, and then continued to persecute them through Jim Crow laws, etc. Was your grandma almost lynched? (And obviously, racism is still alive and well today.) I know you say you're Quaker and "none" of your ancestors owned slaves, but let's be real. Somewhere in your family line, I'll bet there was a slave owner or a few. Shoot! I'm Black and I know there were white slave owners in my family. But still, I ask you, what does this have to do with Obama and his Presidency?
7) Lincoln was a great President...Obama even thinks so. And yes, he did free the slaves. And yes, he was white. What's your point?
Here are the comments from Facebook (including one from the man himself):
DRF (the one referred to in the blog): Taking a differing opinion and turning it into a personal attack does not suprise me. Why is there no proof of a birth certificate? Why can't I see his college application. Stick to the topic. I believe I was talking about our President, not you as an individual. I have many black friends, as a matter of fact I spent the evening with a wonderful ... Read Moreblack friend and his family last evening. His contribution to this country is incredible. He and I don't see each other as black or white, but as friends and Americans. Not about hate. Ignorance knows no color my friend. I will be glad to introduce you to my kids and students and then you may decide my status as a racist. Any comment toward my children is unnecessary. My oldest is a rising senior in college, honor student, voted for Obama, much to my dismay. My daughter has been repairing the roof of a black family for the last two weeks in the sweltering heat of Memphis without pay.
Posted by: Single'nMinglin' | 07/18/2009 at 08:39 PM
Me: I'm glad that you "have so many Black friends" and that your kids help so many Black people. That's not what I was writing about...and I was in no way attacking your kids.
Of course you have a right to your opinion, but you're the one who didn't stick to any facts.
P.S. I never said you were attacking me as an individual, but I drew parallels in my blog.
Posted by: Single'nMinglin' | 07/18/2009 at 08:40 PM
JW: Its great to have friends that do this and that but when you make a blanket statement like "fill in the blank are the most racist people" that sorta throws that out the window
Posted by: Single'nMinglin' | 07/18/2009 at 08:41 PM
LP: You are serious? There is proof of a birth certificate. Obama made it available when it was questioned. Here is the copy shown by the chicago times:
Do you honestly believe that Obama would have even reached the primaries if he didn't qualify as president? That would be insane! No one would have allowed it, especially the Republicans. ... Read More
Further, why do you need to see his college application when he was a constitutional attorney and law professor. Obviously he got a higher educational degree.
You're right, this is not about race. This is about qualifications. Attorneys have to think on their feet. The man is an expert regarding the constitution. He has federal experience. I am grateful every single day he was elected. Its not like the other side who's VP would have quit if she decided she didn't like the job part way in
Posted by: Single'nMinglin' | 07/18/2009 at 08:42 PM
Me: Amen James and Laura!
Posted by: Single'nMinglin' | 07/18/2009 at 08:43 PM
VB: Status Single I read the post by Mr. Farlow and your responses. I think Mr. Farlow is simply not a person you can rationally speak to about the issues. You addressed those issues. While I did note your outrage in the tone of your comments, it seems that it was directed at his ignorance and not him as a person. But again...this is how people who don't... Read More have a clue tend to respond when challenged, especially by an intelligent, outspoken and indpendent African-American woman who isn't related to any famous people. Don't waste any more energy on him or his comments, its simply not worthi it.
Posted by: Single'nMinglin' | 07/18/2009 at 08:45 PM
JM: DRF you are and idiot, and you should be ashamed to call yourself a to social studies teacher. I am a proud History Major and you obviously no nothing. They should revoke your license for the ignorant comments you made.
Posted by: Single'nMinglin' | 07/18/2009 at 08:46 PM
Wow. That was something serious. So now Obama has to be a descendant of a notable African-American? Really? Lincoln didn't even want to free the slaves. That's been proven time and time again. You'd think a social studies teacher would know that.
Posted by: Michelle Huxtable | 08/10/2009 at 08:13 PM
@Michelle: I know! It was crazy! And...guess what his response was (before he severed our Facebook "friendship" LOL) he said, "...I have Black friends...my daughter has been helping to fix the roof of a Black family's house in the sweltering heat of Memphis for no pay..." Seriously, man? What the hell does that mean? You're still an ignorant you know what. Some people just love to use that played out saying..."But I have Black friends..." And????
Posted by: Single'nMinglin' | 08/10/2009 at 08:20 PM
Rebublicans of that day would probably be democratic today. Lincoln, Roosevelt - Republicans claim these are their men, but the idea of Dem/Reb has changed dramatically over the last 100 years.
I had a trip to the US (from New Zealand) over the new year and we came across the odd republican who likes to blame Obama and what not. I tell you, we're BIG Obama fans. We think he's doing a great job - particularly because he had to inherit the mess from Bush.
And doesn't the govt have Obama's birth certificate publically displayed online because they got so many demands from people for proof of it? It's really disheartening that people will be so closed minded as to not accept their president. Of course, I'm the same with republicans so I can't really speak :P
Posted by: Samantha Oehley | 02/16/2011 at 01:57 AM